Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week 5: Movies & Recordings

Honestly, I haven't watched too many movies in 2010, but the one that I did, blew me away.  I really like the message and the graphics in the movie " Inception. "  I tend to like movies that have hidden subplots and messages in the film.  Inception, basically gave the message that your mind is very powerful in creating and shaping your world.  That if you want something bad enough, you could make it happen.  The manifestation of your thoughts could be a scary thing,  if taken lightly.

My favorite movie of all time; not sure if I have one. Yet, one movie that I like a lot, is " Devil In A Blue Dress." This movie takes place in the early 50's in Los Angeles.  It transports you back to a time when life was simple, and yet exciting because of all of the social dynamics that that came together in Los Angeles at this time.  Denzel Washington is the main character, and plays a man who just lost his job, and get's mixed up with some corrupt politicians and gangsters, just to pay his mortgage.  I like movies that make you feel like you're part of the movie.  Almost like you're inside the movie and there's no inconstancies in even the background or extras in the movie.  I want to feel like I'm the main character, and I'm emotionally invested in the plot.  This movie did that for me.  I suggest for anyone who loves dramatic movies to give this one a look.

1 comment:

  1. Intense. I liked "Devil in the Blue Dress" too, much more than "Chinatown" which was also set in the old L.A.
